
1 minute read

Clustering is aimed at grouping set of objects that have similar “properities”. There are many different ways to define the distance for clustering. The famous k-means algorithm is based on the centroid distance model.

Hierarchical clustering

  • Based on the distance in a cluster
  • Provide a hierarchy of clusters
  • Single linkage(minimum)/complete linkage(maximum)/Average linkage
  • Partition not unique, user need to choose appropriate clusters.
  • Not robust for outliers. May lead to additional clusters or merge other clusters.
  • Methods: start with every point in its own cluster -> repeatedly merge the closest two clusters.


  • The sum of the distance of all the points to their clusters is the smallest.
  • NP-hard (not-solvable in normal time), approximate solution
  • Lloyd’s method: always converges
  • k-means++: instead of initializing the cluster centre randomly, pick them according to the distance from previous centers.
  • Polynomial time for smoothed analysis

Gaussian mixture models

  • Distribution based clustering

Hard EM

  • K-means is the hard EM for GMM
    1. E-step: Go through every possibe labels for each data point, set the labels (latent variables) to the values that maximize likelihood.
    2. M-step: Treat the label as known. MLE training for the parameters.

Soft EM (The standard EM)

  1. E-step: For each example, each point has a probability of belonging to certain group, which means each example has #groups values representing its probability of belonging to this group. (Find the posterior for each latent variable, maximize the expectation of the likelihood over the latent variable)
  2. M-step: Set the parameters to the values that maximizes the likelihood.