Notes to use TVB software

less than 1 minute read

Install directly from github

Update 2019/09/06. Version 2.0 is compatible for python3. But some API is different. If use pip install tvb-library, version 1.5.6 will be installed, which is for python 2.7. But python 2.7 will be outof support at the end of 2019. So suggest to get the 2.0 version. To get the 2.0 version:

  1. pip install tvb-library==2.0a0. This will install the tvb-data library along with the tvb library.
  2. If you run into the error says: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Then follow the instructions here: * Download VS installer: Downloads * Select: Workloads → C++ build tools. * Install options: select only the “Windows 10 SDK” (assuming the computer is Windows 10). Optionally, if you want to use MSVC cl.exe C/C++ compiler from the command line, additionally select the C++ build tools.

Use the user interface and the code version together

  • After the D:\Program Files\TVB_Distribution\bin\contributor_setup, we cannot use ipython_notebook * Because in .tvb.configuration defines the interpreter of Python in as TVB_PATH. * Delete the file would change the location back to TVB_Distribution\tvb_data.python. * The .bat file is executing files in D:\Program Files\TVB_Distribution\tvb_data\Lib\site-packages\tvb_bin. * The place that defines the TVB is

